Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Yey!! I am an….’Old Soul’

Yey!! I am an….’Old Soul’ , a very positive accurate description of myself !!
This is a special kind of person in the world, who finds himself alone and isolated almost since birth. His solitary existence is not a preference or an anti-social temperament. This person has an ‘old soul’ who finds his outlook on life vastly different than those around him. As a result, the old soul lives his life internally, walking his own solitary path while the rest around him flock to follow another. As a children they are branded either as ‘precocious’ or ‘introverted’ who often see the purposelessness of many things that their teachers, parents and peers say or do.

Old souls inherently understands that knowledge is power, wisdom is happiness and exploring deep is freedom. They tend to have a sensitive and spiritual ego seeking enlightenment.

The feelings that accompany being an old soul are usually a feeling of world wariness, watchful patience, mental tiredness, a detached calmness often perceived as aloof and cold. The old soul does not pursue things that can be easily taken away from them. They have little time and interest for the short-lived things with little meaning and no lasting fulfillment.

Old souls are frequently plagued with reminders of not only their own mortality but that of everything and everyone around them. This makes the old soul weary and at times withdrawn. Old souls tend to think a lot about everything. They have an ability to reflect and learn from their actions and those of others and this is the greatest teacher in their lives.   

Saturday, May 21, 2016

What you see may not be what you 'Get'....Nethi Birakaya, so the title goes.

Over the years, seemingly obvious turned out to be surprisingly complex. After experiencing multitude of such eye openers, I have titled the blog 'Nethi Birakaya' which suggests something being there but a deep dive reveals none. So is stuff you come across in life. Excerpts of some such experiences I had so far:

1. Dawn; a daily occuring event. It is visibly a routine stuff, day breaks with Sun Rise. It is much later that I learnt and realized that it is the Earth that rotates and faces upto Sun a place at a time and Sun essentially is 'stationary' as far as earth is concerned. I have to consciously remind myself about this everytime I look around dawn and dusk and my admiration for Nicolai Copernicus grew that much for having figured it out with available tools and resources way back in his time. This intrigued me for years on how what seemed so apparent to all my senses is not so anymore !

2. Assasination of Mahatma Gandhi; A great leader that could inspire and lead 30 Million Indians in the days of no communication, distance and time challenges. An amazing inspiration. I was shocked and dismayed that the gentle looking Gandhiji was killed by a certain 'Godse' who I believed to be British, the enemy or a Muslim. As I grew up and started exploring, my perspective of the subject changed dramatically. Godse being Nathuram Godse a Chitpavan Brahmin and 'Veer' Vinayak Damodar Savarkar's follower, an ardent Hind Mahasabha member, a true patriot who dedicated his life, effort for Akhand Bharat. I became aware of how Narayan Apte, MadanLal Pahwa, Vishnu Karkare, Gopal Godse a 12 member team was frustrated with Gandhiji remaining silent when 1. India was vivisected and partitioned into India, Pakistan and East Pakistan. Gandhiji did not demonstrate or remonstrate but decidedly kept quiet. There were no protests. 2. Muslims were allowed to stay back in India if they desired so even when a separate country is formed for their living. 3. Gandhiji took up fast unto death forcing Indian government to release 50 Million pounds of Government money to Pakistan which is due to them but suspected as war chest by many Indian leaders. It is so rattling to have alternate theory on why Gandhiji is murdered. It is not about opposing British, it is for remaining passive when India was getting divided and forced to part with money used against it.
3. Nothing is as it seems...What you see may not be what you get...Godse - excessive meekness of Indian leaders Gandhi and Nehru who were anxious to
placate Muslims at all cost.Godse's refusal to tolerate that Hindus should be robbed to enable Muslims get more than their due simply because they are Muslims and would not other wise behave as loyal Indian citizens.Gandhiji earlier said 'vivisect me before you vivisect India' So long as  I live, I will never agree to the partition of India.
Narayan Apte messaged to Gandhiji - 'I denounce you 100 times because you have conceded Pakistan'. Nathuram Godse was furious 'My country Akhand Bharat Mata is torn into pieces, slaughtering of Hindus in Pakistan and the refugees crossing to India after parition, insisting on Rs.55 crore payment to Pakistan.'

3. Pledge; By rote we used to recite the pledge not truly knowing what it meant or what it represented. It amazes me on we kept on mumbling, jumbling our way and completed reciting pledge everyday and surprisingly none of the teachers took interest in explaining what it is, meaning of its rich words, sentences and their importance.  Only when I was an young adult, I could understand why it matters and what the contect meant. It was a pleasant surprise when I learnt that its Author is none other than Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao a telugu. So the pledge is 'India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and elders and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.' Such a noble thought from a true patriot.